
Showing posts from April, 2021


  One of the biggest decisions of your business is determining the right price for your product. The pricing has to be competitive and at the same time, high enough to turn a reasonable profit. Achieving the right balance between these two can be really hard. Calculating your markup and margin are highly essential in such cases where the two numbers are used to estimate the sale price and cost of the goods. While these two seem similar, there are some important differences between the two. Markup is the amount that you charge above the cost of goods. Margin is the difference between the cost of goods and the sales price. Even if the distinction is subtle, it is rather important, particularly where formulas are necessary to make crucial business decisions. Calculating Markup vs. Margin can be challenging, but the formulas are relatively simple. It means you can apply these to your pricing strategy once you know how to use them. HERE IS A SIMPLE EXAMPLE: The cost price of a product i...


  HOW WILL YOU COMBAT PEAK TIME RUSH? Restaurants are fast gearing up for full operations even while the mask mandate has not yet been lifted. With more and more people getting vaccinated, everyone is getting closer to resuming their pre-pandemic lifestyles. Even then, handling full-blown restaurant operations has its own risks. Welcome all your customers back and provide them with brand new experiences with a POS system. Oversee POS resolves all your issues with a well-organised system that offers a range of solutions, from contactless solutions to diving right into your orders at the kitchen level. CONTACTLESS A full capacity restaurant means a whole lot of orders and a swarm of people who are now getting the chance to come out of their houses and enjoy varied dishes. This also requires detailed planning and a coherent system where orders are taken and conveyed efficiently, inventories restocked, and food delivered to its right destination or table. Redefine your restaurant busin...


  Unlike retail stores, thrift stores work differently. For the most part, they need to track inventory, especially since most of their goods comes from donations. Operating as a not-for-profit or as charitable institutions, these shops must tag unique items, the moment they are received and account for the inventory present in the store. It is these distinctive factors that make it important to get a customised   POS system,   especially for thrift stores. EASE OF USE Thrift store employees are always hard-pressed for time. Therefore, they need systems that are easy to use and operate, without having to navigate across complex modules. The POS should also be enabled on the tablet, smartphone, or cash register so that there are no issues with accessibility. LABELLING SYSTEMS With countless items donated daily, employees cannot calculate each of them by hand.  OVERSEE POS  allows you to tag your inventory with only a simple data entry requirement, which is also a...


  Retailers everywhere are haunted by shrinkage. With theft and cash register errors being two of the main concerns, retailers constantly face the challenge of keeping their inventory up to date. Get an all-in-one POS or  Point of Sale System  with inbuilt inventory tracking and security features that perform accurate reporting, reconciliation, and analysis to push losses due to inventory shrinkage on a downward trend. PREVENTING THEFT AND FRAUD A bane in brick-and-mortar stores, inventory shrinkage is primarily attributed to theft and fraud. Most of these scams happen at the cash register levels, at the time of customer service, and in the warehouse. These could be in the form of fake sales, return goods fraud and purchase swindles. Minimise or even eliminate all these errors with OVERSEE POS systems About 38% of bulk inventory shrinkage is shoplifting, while employee theft is around 34.5% (data from the National Retail Security Survey – 2015). Another piece of data in t...